- Cardiology
- Family Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Physicians
- Urology
- Podiatry
- Endocrinology
- Chiropractor
- Neurology
- Gastroenterology
- Physical Therapy
- Behavioral & Mental Health
- Pediatrics
- And Many More
Each Specialty has a unique set of medical billing and medical billing services needs. PCSRCM has your specialty covered.
By providing providers and practices with robust individualized services based on the specialty, our team is committed to maximizing patient care and clinician’s time as well as maximizing reimbursements.
All Inclusive Revenue Cycle Services from the Best in the Business
PCS Revenue Cycle Management services including claim processing within 24-hours as well as follow-up on claim denials and rejections within a timely manner to ensure that your practice is growing and thriving. When claims are processed in a timely manner and denials are worked promptly, A practice is increasing collections and decreasing operational expenses. Our commitment is to build your services around the needs of your specialty.
Putting the focus back on patient care
Our commitment is to provide clinicians with more time to focus on patient care without the stress of the practice’s financial health. With that commitment in mind, we provide an all-inclusive menu of services from patient insurance eligibility, claim processing and denial management, and financial reporting.
Your Practice’s Success is Our Commitment
A practice’s success is based on patient care and financial stability. Let PCSRCM take the worries of financial stability off your plate. We are committed ensuring a thriving practice through our robust and individualized services for your specialty.
Professionals Uniquely Qualified to Support Unique Practices
We are a group of professional revenue cycle management experts who understand your practice and its unique needs. PCSRCM’s team is committed to helping private practices optimize revenue while allowing clinicians to put the focus back on patient care.